Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First Post: An overview

Five years ago, as I started the great adventure that is High School, my parents and I planned for me to take a semester abroad at some point to serve in the mission field.  One of the very first considerations was The Rainbow Centre in Bujumbura, Burundi, Africa.  We also considered Central and South America since I took Spanish, but the connections for service in Burundi seemed to keep coming!

The timing didn’t work out for my trip to happen during high school. Instead, I became involved with North Ridge Bible Chapel’s kid’s outreach program; it was like the mission field had come to me, no travel necessary.

The outreach drew a crowd of refugee children from many countries. The kids were all hungry for attention. As I got to know and love these little ones, I formed strong connections with people from Congo, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Pakistan and more!  I developed a passion to serve those who did not have the same opportunities as I have had growing up in America.

As high school came to an end, my parents and I discussed what my future plans would hold. I did not have a clear indication that college was the right direction for me yet. So, I am currently in a ‘thinking year’, with plans to go to N.C. State University in the fall.
The past few months have been spent serving at church and working. As I asked God what He would have me do, the Rainbow Centre came back into focus. I sent an email to the couple who started the Centre, Melli and Ken Johnson.

A day later, Melli replied with a warm welcoming email, saying that they had just been praying for someone to come out and help! It was very exciting. I felt that this was it. I prayed for further confirmation. The other possibilities I had considered didn’t pan out. When I thought of Burundi and helping at the Centre, I felt peace.
I understand that Africa can be a dangerous place, it is totally foreign to me, it’s halfway around the world, and as a freckled redhead, I will stick out like a sore thumb. As I was faced with doubts, I was reminded that there is nowhere safer than God’s plan. Of course this doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t still be cautious, but I know that Psalm 27:1 holds true:

“...the LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”
I plan to fly out at the beginning of March and to stay through July. My dad is going to travel with me for safety and he will stay for a short while. While I am there, I will be helping care for the babies and teaching the toddlers English (ABC’s and 123’s), songs, and Bible stories. As I prepare, the song Make Me a Blessing runs through my mind, and I pray that God makes it so. Ultimately, I want to be a blessing to the Rainbow Centre and to the Johnsons. Through this all, I hope to become a better soldier of the Cross.

Your prayers are coveted! I have had an ongoing checklist of things that must be done before I can travel. One by one, I’m crossing them off. The final steps are purchasing my ticket and applying for a visa. Plane tickets run between $2,000-$4,000, and a $90 Visa (which will have to be renewed at least once while I am there). I am praying for God’s provision which I know that He is faithful to provide; and I am amazed at how faithful He has been. This trip is definitely increasing my faith and teaching me so many lessons. I am constantly reminded that it is God who works all of the details out, and that HE is my life-source.

I cling to the promise in John 15:
“Remain in me and I will remain in you.
No branch can bear fruit by itself;
it must remain in the vine.
Neither can you bear fruit
unless you remain in me.”
I am so very excited at what is happening, and if you would like to stay updated on what is going on, you can email me. I would love to hear from you, and I would so appreciate any support you could lend, especially your prayers.

Much love in Christ,

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