Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tickets Purchased!!

Finally, we have bought the tickets!

We've decided to book via one airline, KLM, a Dutch airline, as opposed to using one of the booking sites that claim to have the "best deals"...but no real substance or guarantee if anything goes wrong.

The price came out to be, for my dad and I together, $5000. Pretty sweet, especially considering that the prices I had seen for KLM heretofore were about $5,000 for one ticket. This is a much better price.

I have called the Embassy of Burundi about three times today, just to make sure I wasn't making any ditzy moves with my paperwork. Thankfully the lady who answered the phone each time was very kind.

Please pray that when we send everything in to the embassy, bright and early tomorrow, that everything is in order and that there will be no "hiccups" in the approval.

My date for leaving is the 7th of March, and I'll be state-side again on the 6th of July. My dad is returning the 22 of March.

To say I am excited is an understatement.

This weekend, I was able to teach my Sparks class the parable of the seeds.
You know the one, the farmer scatters seed and it falls on four different soils:

1) the hard path where seeds are eaten up immediately by birds
2) the rocky soil where the seed sprouts, but has no substantial root and therefore dies
3) the soil where the weeds and thorns choke out the seed
and finally,
4) the soil that is the perfect growing bed for the word of God.

As I prepared for that lesson, it was convicting to ponder what state the "soil" of my heart was in. Was I allowing 'weeds' to grow? Was I digging deep into God's word?
Good things to ponder.

 And here are the cute little sparkies listening to the story:

It is amazing how good and faithful God is! When I take time to dwell on the blessings, I am floored. He is so in control.



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